The Des Moines man seen at the front of the pack inside the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, wants his September trial moved back.A motion filed late Monday afternoon by his attorney wants the September 19 trial moved back to the early part of 2023. His attorney says Jensen is prepared to waive his time under the Speedy Trial Act until the end of February 2023 to “obtain a less politically charged jury pool.”The motion says the ongoing publicity from the House Select Committee Hearings and the fact that the committee will release its final report at the end of the year are two reasons that will “fan the flames of individuals’ personal opinions and biases” in a jury pool.Further, the motion cites the midterm elections will “only polarize and inflame the populace.”If a judge does not grant the move to February 2023, the defense instead asks for … Read the rest
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